Occasionally we know you may want to return items. We accept the return of all items only if they are unopened and in their original condition. If you return goods, as detailed within 7 days, we will offer a refund less the carriage charge. A handling charge of 20% will be taken off the goods sale price. No refunds can be given after 7 days.

Defective items:

You can always return items if they are defective. Please note: we only accept returns of items that have been opened if they are defective. Please see "To return an item" below for details of how to return defective items to us.

To return an item:

To return an item, please enclose a note giving the reason for the return, wrap the package securely and send the package to the address on ourĀ contact page. In the case of a defective product, please provide a full description of the fault and return the defective item in its original box (if any), with all warranty cards, licences, manuals and accessories. Then send the package to the address on ourĀ contact page.

Delivery charges:

If you are returning an item because of an error on our part, we will be happy to refund the delivery charges incurred in sending the item to you and your costs in returning it to us. Otherwise you will be responsible for those charges.

Please complete the form below to request an RMA number.